Sindrome De Wolf Hirschhorn

Esta síndrome é causada por uma deleção da porção distal do braço. It affects growth, facial features, intellectual disability,. Conheça as características faciais, o atraso. Descubra se é possível. Apesar de ser uma síndrome ainda pouco conhecida, existem inúmeras famílias que.

Sindrome De Wolf Hirschhorn

Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome causes, signs, symptoms, prognosis & treatment

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Family of girl with Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome aims to raise awareness of rare disease

Raising a child with special needs can sometimes feel isolating, especially with a diagnosis of a rare disease that not many know ...

  • Family of girl with Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome aims to raise awareness of rare disease (Read More)
  • Avanzar en la Investigación del Síndrome de Wolf-Hirschhorn (Read More)